Hey Rich! Okay you found your way in here. I’m actually wrestling a bit with the Patreon plugin .Can you let me know if you can see the “members Only Feed” page? https://www.7x7comics.com/members-feed/
And no, you should be able to use the Patreon for your account, and it then lets you login via patreon here. If you can’t see that page, I’m working on fixing that part with the developer.
So as a pledger on the Patreon site do I need to pledge here too?
Hey Rich! Okay you found your way in here. I’m actually wrestling a bit with the Patreon plugin .Can you let me know if you can see the “members Only Feed” page?
And no, you should be able to use the Patreon for your account, and it then lets you login via patreon here. If you can’t see that page, I’m working on fixing that part with the developer.
Yes I can see the Member stuff once I click the orange Patreon button. I thought I was on the Patreon site but I’m on 7×7 site.
I don’t know if you can do it but logging out of 7×7 should log you out of Patreon too. I have to open Patreon site to log out. Thanks.
Testing comment!