Fantasy & Magic. Brother Maynard is a cyborg priest, Rugnar Grimm is an electric dwarf; together they have been sent to the under dark to investigate a dimensional gate and the hell that is leaking from it. Created, written & drawn by Barry Linck.
About Barry Linck:
Barry Linck has been producing and publishing comic books for well over 2 decades. As writer, artist and creator, he has continued to produce his fan favorite ‘Phineus: Magician for Hire’ now in it’s his 24th year!
Latest Maynard & Grimm Updates
Maynard & Grimm 22: Too Powerful
Maynard & Grimm 21: Never Reason with a Beholder
Maynard & Grimm 20: Die Humans!
Maynard & Grimm 19: Hooked Up
Bonus: Maynard & Grimm Original Story
Creator Barry Linck dug into the archives to present our patreon members with an original Maynard & Grimm story published in 2006 in the pages of Phineus: Magician for Hire. Also check out the original character bios. New to Maynard & Grimm or need to catch...
Maynard & Grimm 18: Filthy Humans!
Latest 7×7 Patron Updates
Hard Lemonade SketchBook #1
Creator Shawn Atkins takes us behind the scenes with some of his beautiful concept sketches and character designs for his HARD LEMONADE comic series.
Secret Forces Newspaper Comics
In 2018 Secret Forces began running an exclusive storyline in the Pittsburgh Current weekly newspaper. At this point in Secret Forces life, I was experimenting with the format. I had the long scroll down comics on Webtoon, and the paper storyline was a sidebar story and set of characters that would all come together in time.