Super Heroic Humor. Exile from another dimension, unwitting superhero, and reluctant corporate pitchman. With the help of his friends Incrediman protects this world from threats great and small. Created, written & drawn by Jared Catherine.
Latest INCREDIMAN Updates
Incrediman 13: Do NOT touch anything
Incrediman 12: Total Team-Up?
Incrediman 11: Oh, Hey…CRIME!
Incrediman 10: Creature of the night
Incrediman 9: Midnight Howler
Season 1 Incrediman
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Hard Lemonade SketchBook #1
Creator Shawn Atkins takes us behind the scenes with some of his beautiful concept sketches and character designs for his HARD LEMONADE comic series.
Secret Forces Newspaper Comics
In 2018 Secret Forces began running an exclusive storyline in the Pittsburgh Current weekly newspaper. At this point in Secret Forces life, I was experimenting with the format. I had the long scroll down comics on Webtoon, and the paper storyline was a sidebar story and set of characters that would all come together in time.